S8E RC Rocket Glider Duration Overview The S8E Event
S8E is a rocket-boosted radio controlled glider duration event. The rocket motor used is "E" impulse (20.01 ns - 40.00 ns). The glider is boosted vertically (or nearly so) until motor burnout. It is then flown as a conventional glider. The objective is to keep it up as long as possible. Thus, good thermal hunting skills are essential to win. The motor remains with the model throughout the flight.
The event is flown in rounds. Round 1 has a maximum time of 300 seconds. Once a competitior reaches the maximum time he/she lands the model and obtains maximum (300) points for the round. Round 2 has a maximum of 360 seconds and Round 3 has a maximum of 420 seconds. If more than one competitor maxes the first 3 rounds, the first flyoff round is flown with a maximum of 480 seconds. All remaining competitors advance to the "unlimited" flyoff round. Actually, it is technically limited to 1800 seconds by the rules. At a World Championships, a winning time in the final round is likely to be 15+ minutes even under poor conditions.
Typical Competition Model
Typical models weigh 200 grams or less after motor burnout and are 200 square inches wing area plus or minus about 25 square inches. The smaller the model is, the higher it will boost and longer it will stay up in dead air. However, the smaller it is and the higher it boosts, the harder it is to see and control. So, eyesight is the ultimate limiting factor. A clean 200g model will boost to about 1100 feet on an AeroTech E6 motor. The lighter a model is (for it's given size), the higher it will fly and longer it will stay up.
There aren't a lot of rules to get your flight disqualified, but there are a few things you should pay attention to.
- S8E has a weight limit of 300 grams. Don't ask why, because I don't know. It makes no sense.
- Your model may not separate into two or more pieces.
- Any entry that is supported by aerodynamic lifting forces in such a manner that it ascends in a climb not substantially vertical, within a 60 degree cone centered vertically on the launcher while under rocket power will be disqualified. Sorry, no slow Jetex-like climbs.
- During the powered phase of flight, spining or looping is permitted only around the roll axis or a parallel axis. Spinning or looping around the pitch or yaw axis will get you disqualified...and embarrassed.
- No parachutes or streamers.
- No flexible (Rogallo) wings.
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