Fédération Aéronautique Internationale
EFFECTIVE 1 JANUARY 1997General regulations and special rules for Contests, Championships and Records
"Model Rocket" means an aero-model that ascends into the air without the use of aerodynamic lifting forces against gravity; that is propelled by means of a model rocket engine; that includes a device for returning it safely to the ground in a condition to fly again; and that is made of substantially non-metallic parts.
"Model rocket engine" means a solid propellant rocket reaction engine in which all chemical ingredients of a combustible nature are pre-mixed and ready for use.
There are ten main classes of space models as follows:
S1 Altitude Models
S2 Payload Models
S3 Parachute duration models
S4 Boost-glider duration models
S5 Scale-altitude models
S6 Streamer duration models
S7 Scale models
S8 Rocket glider duration models
S9 Gyrocopter duration models
S10 Flex-wing duration modelsEach class, except class S7 has been subdivided related to engine size. Refer to the rules applicable to each particular class.
A model rocket must comply with the following requirements prior to launch, operation and flight:
Gross or maximum weight, including model rocket engine or engines shall in no event exceed 0,5 kg (500 grams) except S7 shall not exceed 1.00 kg (1000 grams)
No more than 125 g of propellant materials shall be contained in its model rocket engine(s) at the moment of launch.
There shall be no more than three (3) operable stages. A stage is defined as a portion of the model airframe containing one or more model rocket engines that is designed to separate or which actually separates from the model while in flight. An un-powered part of the model is not considered to be a stage. The configuration of a model is considered to be that of the model at the instant of first motion on the launcher. Engines ignited simultaneously are considered one stage regardless of the number of separated parts; for example Soyuz.
2.4.1. A model rocket shall be so constructed to be capable of more than a single flight and shall contain a means for retarding its descent to the ground so that its structure may not be substantially damaged and so that no hazard is created to persons and property on the ground.
2.4.2. A model rocket must not eject its engine(s) in flight unless it/they is/are enclosed in an airframe that will descend in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2.4.1. and, in the case of boost-gliders, engine casings not enclosed in an airframe or boost-glider engine pods, must descend with a deployed streamer with dimensions no less than 25 mm by 300 mm or a parachute with an area no less than 4 dm2.
Tumble recovery of lower stages of multi-staged models is permitted without a recovery device provided that:
1. The lower stage has three or more fins.
2. Length is no greater than 1-1/2 times the engine length.
3. Descent is declared safe by the Range Safety Officer.2.4.3. Construction shall be of wood, paper, rubber, breakable plastic, or similar materials and without substantial metal parts. Models of Classes S1, S2, S3, S6, S9, S10 must have minimum diameters of 30 mm of enclosed airframe for a length of at least 50% of the overall body length. In the case of S5 minimum diameter must be 40 mm of enclosed airframe for a length of at least 20% of the overall body length. Minimum body length shall not be less than 350 mm for Classes S1, S2, S3, S6, S9 and S10 with 500 mm minimum body length for S5. In the case of S1, the smallest body diameter cannot be less than 18 mm.
2.4.4. Design and construction shall include attached surfaces that will provide aerodynamic stabilising and restoring forces necessary to maintain a substantially true and predictable flight path. If required by safety officers or judges, the builder of the model must present data regarding the locations of the centre of gravity, centre of pressure, gross weight, burnout weight, and/or calculated or measured flight performance of the model.
2.4.5. A model rocket shall not contain any type of explosive or pyrotechnic payload.
2.4.6. Minimum gross launching weight (including engine and/or pod) of the models which return to the ground in stable gliding flight supported by aerodynamic lifting surfaces which sustain it against gravity (S4, S8 and S10) shall not be less than 30% of the maximum specified weight for the particular subclass.
A model rocket engine which shall supply the propulsive force for a model rocket must conform to the following standards:
A model rocket engine shall be a solid propellant reaction engine which has all propellant ingredients preloaded into the casting in such a manner that they cannot easily be removed. Delay trains and ejection charges may be pre-mixed and packaged separately if the auxiliary package is a single, pre-assembled unit containing all of the remaining combustible material.
All space modelling events shall be divided into sub-classes according to total impulse as follows:
Class Total Impulse A 0 to 2,5 Newton Seconds (NS) B 2,51 to 5,00 NS C 5,01 to 10,00 NS D 10,01 to 20,00 NS E 20,01 to 40,00 NS F 40,01 to 80,00 NS3.2. CASING
A model rocket engine casing shall be made of non-metallic material of low thermal conductivity. The temperature of the external surface of the casing shall not exceed 200 degrees Centigrade during or after operation. Minimum casting diameter shall not be less than 10 millimetres.
A model rocket engine must be so designed and constructed that it will not rupture its casing in the event of internal overpressure. Any malfunction resulting in internal overpressure should dissipate its force along the longitudinal axis of the engine.
A model rocket engine must be so designed and constructed as to be incapable of spontaneous ignition in air, in water, as a result of physical shocks, jarring, impacts or motion under conditions that would reasonably be expected to occur during shipment, storage or use, or when subjected to a temperature of 80 degrees Centigrade or less.
A model rocket engine shall contain less than 125 grams of propellant material. It must not produce a total impulse of more than 100 Newton-seconds and must have a thrust duration longer that 0,050 seconds.
A model rocket engine shall be shipped and stored with no ignition element installed that may be actuated by an open flame, a temperature of less than 150 degrees Centigrade, or by incident radio-frequency radiation normally encountered during shipping, storage and use.
A model rocket engine containing more than 20 grams of propellant materials shall be sealed at the factory with a non-metallic seal in the nozzle and in the forward end. These seals should be readily removable by the user unless the engine is designed to perform its function with the seals in place.
A model rocket engine in operation shall expel from its nozzle no pieces of burning propellant and shall be incapable of igniting a piece of dry paper or grass at a distance of one metre or more from the nozzle of the engine.
A model rocket engine shall not be altered in any manner to change its published and established performance characteristics or dimensions.
A model rocket engine used in a model rocket in FAI competition or for the purpose of establishing or surpassing FAI model rocket performance records shall be of a type previously tested and certified for such use by an FAI representative National Airsports Control.
3.10.1. Competitors or team managers must submit to the competition Organiser in advance of the competition the aero club certification documents of all engine types to be used during the competition. These certification documents must include data on engine dimensions, loaded weight, propellant weight, total impulse, thrust time curve, and time delay. The certification documents must contain an affidavit stating that the model rocket engine type meets all FAI standards as set forth in these rules.
3.10.2. The competition organisers must perform a static test on a random sample or each engine type to check the data of an FAI representative Airsports Control if requested by a team manager.
Static testing by an FAI representative Airsports Control may be carried out by the club or by an organisation designated by the club. In all cases, the FAI representative Airsports Control shall be responsible for the accuracy and correctness of all test data.
Copies of the test results should be at their request be given to the team managers of the competing countries.
Engines for multi-stage operation must be submitted in batches of twos or threes for testing as a unit. Failure of any engine in the batch or if the total impulse of the class is exceeded, the entire batch will be rejected.
3.12. STATIC TEST EQUIPMENTStatic test equipment utilised for FAI certification of model rocket engines shall meet the following specification:
3.12.1 Thrust shall be measured and recorded to an accuracy of +/- 0,2 Newtons.
3.12.2 Thrust duration shall be measured and recorded to an accuracy of +/- 0,01 seconds.
3.12.3 Frequency response of the equipment shall be at least 100 Hertz, and the natural frequency of the equipment shall be at least 5 times this number, or 500 Hertz.
3.12.4 Time delay shall be measured and recorded to an accuracy or +/- 0,1 seconds
3.13. A model rocket engine type may be certified by an FAI representative Aero Club if the performance of a randomly selected sample meets the following standards:
3.13.1 The total impulse of any individual engine tested should not depart more than +/- 10% from the established mean value for that engine type.
3.13.2 The time delay of any individual engine tested should not depart more that +/- 20% from the established mean value to the engine type, and this variation for any engine should not exceed +/- 3 seconds.
3.13.3 No engine tested should malfunction in any manner.
3.13.4 Static tests shall be conducted with the test engine at a temperature of 20 degrees Centigrade, +/- 5 degrees Centigrade.
All model rocket engines accepted for use in an FAI competition shall be plainly marked on their exterior by the manufacturer at the time of manufacture with markings or codings indicating the engines type and/or performance. Colour coding of the nozzle end of the casting indication type is recommended.
See Section 4b, General, of Sporting Code for details. Moreover the following additions apply:
The following events are recognised (1997) as World Championships for Space Models:
a) altitude models - S1B
b) payload models - S2B
c) parachute duration models - S3A
d) boost-glider duration models - S4B
e) scale-altitude models - S5B
f) streamer duration models - S6A
g) scale - S7
h) rocket glider duration models - S8E4.2. NUMBER OF MODELS
The number of models eligible for entry is as follows:
Class S1A, B, C, D ....................................................................Two (2) only
Class S2A, B, C ..........................................................................Two (2) only
Class S3A, B, C, D ....................................................................Two (2) only
Class S4A, B, C, D, F .................................................................Two (2) only
Class S5A, B, C, D, F .................................................................One (1) only
Class S6A, B, C, D ....................................................................Two (2) only
Class S7 ......................................................................................One (1) only
Class S8A, B, C, D, E, F .............................................................Two (2) only
Class S9A, B, C, D ....................................................................Two (2) only
Class S10A, B, C, D ...................................................................Two (2) onlyFor classes S3, S4, S6, S8, S9 and S10 one (1) additional model may be processed and flown by the competitor on there being a tie for the first placer at the end of the third round.
4.3.1. Organisation
During all operations concerned with the launching and flight of model rockets, all authority for the safety and conduct of operations on the flying field shall be vested in a range Safety Officer who must be a member of an FAI Representative Aero Club and who must be 18 years of age or more. Deputy Range Safety Officers who meet the above qualifications may have this authority delegated to them by appointment from the Range Safety Officer, but this delegation or partial authority does not relieve the range Safety Officer of overall responsibility and authority on the flying field.
Adequate opportunity and facilities will be provided so that all competitors in each event at a competition may obtain engines and prepare their models simultaneously for flight under the observation of officials.
4.3.2 Flight Permission
All model rockets presented for operation on the flying field shall be permitted or denied flight by the Range Safety Officer or his duly authorised deputy on the basis of his considered judgment with respect to the possible safety of the model in flight.
4.3.3. Launching Device
A launching device or mechanism must be used that shall restrict the horizontal motion of the model until sufficient flight velocity shall have been attained for reasonably safe, predictable flight. A launching angle of more than 60 degrees from the horizontal must be used.
4.3.4. Assisted Launch
A launcher must not impart to the model any velocity or change of momentum except that caused by the model rocket engine(s) contained in the model. A launch assisted by mechanical devices built into the launcher shall not be allowed.
4.3.5. Launching Procedure
Launching or ignition must be conducted by remote electrical means at least five (5) metres distant from the model and must be fully under the control of the person lunching the model. The Range Safety Officer or his authorised deputy shall possess an interlock key to the firing device that will prevent the model from being ignited and launched unless said interlock key has been inserted into the device. Upon determining that the model may be ignited and launched in a safe and satisfactory manner, the Range Safety Officer or his authorised deputy will insert the interlock key into the firing device to permit ignition and launching. All persons in the vicinity of the launching must be advised that a launching is imminent before a model rocket may be ignited and launched, and a minimum five(5) second "count down" must be given before ignition and launching of a model rocket.
4.3.6. Weather Conditions
See General Rules for International Contests, Para. B.11.1.
4.3.7. Hazard
A model rocket in flight shall not create a hazard to aircraft and shall not be used as a weapon against ground or air targets.
4.3.8. Thermal Creation and Detection.
No mechanical or passive methods of thermal creation are permitted (waving jackets, spreading reflective sheets, hot air blowers, motorcycles, etc.)
Ground or tethered thermal detection is permitted as long as it does not interfere with the conduct of the competition as determined by the FAI Jury.4.4. OFFICIAL ENTRIES
4.4.1. Entry
Before the first flight in any competition event, at least one model must be inspected and marked by the judges. The next model can be inspected during the competition event. Two or more competition events may not be flown simultaneously by the same model.
4.4.2. Model Marking and Identification
Each entry shall carry, prominently displayed upon its body, fins, or other exterior part, the competitors FAI license number in letters and numbers approximately one (1) centimetre high. The name, national insignia, or international identification mark (see Section 4b, Annex 2) of the competitors nation must be displayed on the exterior of the model.
A light coloured area of minimum dimensions 1 cm by 3 cm must be provided for the organisers processing mark.
4.4.3. Builder of the Model
The judges shall make every reasonable effort to insure that each competitor has completely constructed the model entered in the competition with "construction" to be interpreted as the action required to complete a model starting with no more prefabrication than the amount used in the average kit. Models that are completely prefabricated or require only a few minutes of unskilled effort for their completion shall be excluded from competition. Materials and design may be obtained from any source, including kits.
4.5.1. Definition of an Official Flight
A flight is considered official if the model or any part of the model leaves the launching device, loses contact with the launching device after ignition, or becomes airborne, except in the case of a catastrophic failure according to the provisions of Rule 4.6.3., in which case the flight is not considered official.
4.5.2. Number of flights
In each event, except Scale (S7), each competitor shall be given an opportunity to make three (3) official flights, time and weather permitting. in Scale (S7) two (2) opportunities will be given, time and weather permitting.
4.6.1. Judges may disqualify any model at any time which, in their opinion, does not comply with the competition rules or which the Range Safety Officer or his authorised deputy feels may not be reasonably safe in operation.
4.6.2. Judges may disqualify any competitor on the grounds of failure to practice or observe reasonable safety measures, published or otherwise, for poor sportsmanship, for failure to abide by the orders of the Range Safety Officer or his authorised deputy or for misconduct on general.
4.6.3. A model experiencing a catastrophic failure which, in the opinion of the judges, was not due to or caused by improper design, construction, or pre-flight preparations of the model, shall not be disqualified from competition. A model suffering such a catastrophic failure and thereby rendered incapable of additional fights may be replaced by another model. For Scale models S5 and S7, experiencing a catastrophic failure, see rule 9.12.
4.6.4. By reason of flight characteristics, a model may be disqualified for a flight but is not necessarily disqualified for the entire event.
4.7.1. For transmitter and frequency control see Section 4b, para. B.8.
4.7.2. Competitors must be called at least five minutes before they are required to occupy the starting area.
4.7.3. Once the competitor has been given permission to start, he may delay no longer than one minute before attempting launching.
4.8.1. See Section 4b, para. B.9.
4.8.2. The timing of flights is limited to a maximum determined by the individual class and size of engine used. The total flight time is taken from the models first motion on the launching ramp to the end of the flight.
4.8.3. The total time of the three flights of each competitor is taken for the final classification.
4.8.4. In order to decide the winner when there is a tie, additional deciding flights shall be made immediately after the last flight of the event has been completed. The maximum time of flight in each additional round shall be increased by two (2) minutes on the maximum time of flight of the previous round. There shall be only one attempt for each additional flight. The times of the additional flights shall not be included in the final figures of classification for teams, they are for the purpose of determining the winner and for awarding the prizes attached to the title. The organiser will decide the time during which all competitors must launch their models. In the case of a tie in the team classification, the best individual score (classification) will be used.
There shall be no more than two flyoff rounds to determine the winner. The second flyoff round will be timed to the completion of the flight for final results.
4.8.5. For World and Continental Championships a round is defined as the amount of time allocated by the organiser for a national team to prepare and launch their models for one official flight per team member (one hour is recommended).
4.9.1. Tracking
All models in any event for which an achieved altitude figure is scored shall be tracked in flight be at least tow (2) calibrated measuring devices which are situated on a measured baseline of at least three hundred (300) metres. The distance to the launch pad shall be a minimum of 2/3 (two thirds) of the current would record. rounded to the nearest lower 100 metres.
At world championships, a redundant tracking system shall be implemented with four measuring devices (Theodolites), two at each tracking station. The best tracking pair will be designated as the primary trackers and their data will be used first. If the primary trackers fail, the data from the secondary trackers will be used. If they fail, the combination of azimuth and elevation from each tracking station will be used.
For models with engines over 20 Newton-seconds the base line must be a minimum of 450 metres. The distance from the launch site to the centre line of the base line must be 1/2 the base line length.
The distance to the launch pad shall be at least 300 m for models with up to 2,5 NS impulse. The launch site must be seen from the measuring devices.
4.9.2. Tracking Accuracy
The measuring devices must be able to measure angles in both the horizontal (azimuth) and vertical (elevation) axes and shall have a minimum accuracy of +/- 0,5 degrees in both azimuth and elevation.
4.9.3. Tracking Procedure
Model for which an achieved altitude figure is required will be tracked aloft visually by measuring device operators manning each tracking device until they see that the model has reached the maximum vertical altitude of its flight. The angle of azimuth from the baseline and the angle of elevation from the horizontal shall then be read to the nearest degree of arc and reported to the launching area.
Angular data thus recovered from tracking will be reduced to altitude data by use of the principles of triangulation.
4.9.4. Altitude Calculation
The computed altitude from each stations reduced altitude data must be within ten percent (10%) of the average altitude computed utilising data from both stations. Computed station altitudes not falling within 10% of the average computed altitude will result in a "no close" for the model. All altitudes will be rounded-off to the nearest metre before this "10% rule" is applied. The official scored altitude is the computed average altitude.
A "track lost" is recorded where the trackers are unable to determine the position of the model sufficiently to obtain any angles. A zero is recorded if the flight path is erratic, unpredictable, malfunctions or is disqualified for safety reasons.
In the event of a "No Close" or a "Track Lost" for the model, the competitor may be allowed to fly again until the end of the round. A safety disqualification or a model malfunction making the model difficult to track will result in a "zero" for the flight.
4.9.5. Visibility of Models
All models that are to be tracked for altitude shall disperse a coloured powder at ejection which will aid tracking. Theodolite operators may lose track of models which do not contain sufficient powder or contain powder which does not contrast well with the sky. The organiser will have tracking powder available for competitors use.
4.9.6. Electronic or Radar Tracking
Altitude data derived from electronic or radar devices is valid only if evidence is presented regarding proper calibration and correction.
In any altitude competition event, the model achieving the highest maximum altitude as tracked and reduced shall be declared the winner.
ALTITUDE DATA rules 4.9 will be used for this competition.
Altitude competition shall be divided into classes based upon the maximum allowable gross launching weight of the model and the maximum permissible total impulse of the engine or engines powering the model. Any number of engines may be used in any arrangement provided that the sum of the total impulses of the individual engines does not exceed the allowable total impulse maximum for the competition class.
The following event classes are in effect for altitude competition:
CLASS TOTAL IMPULSE MAXIMUM WEIGHT (Newton-seconds) (g) S1A 0 - 2,50 30 S1B 2,51 - 5,00 60 S1C 5,01 - 10,00 120 S1D 10,01 - 20,00 240 S1E 20,01 - 40,00 300 S1F 40,01 - 80,00 500[top] PART SIX - PAYLOAD COMPETITION (CLASS S2)
This event is open to models that carry one or more standard FAI model rocket payloads to the highest altitude as tracked and reduced.
The Standard FAI model rocket payload is a solid cylinder of either lead (Pb) or an alloy of lead containing no less than 60% lead by weight and weighing no less than 28 grams. This cylinder shall be 19,1 +/- 0,1 mm in diameter. No holes may be drilled or punched into it, and no other material may be affixed to it.
The standard FAI model rocket payload or payloads carried in a model shall be completely enclosed and contain within the model, shall be removable from the model, and shall not be capable of separating from the model in flight.
Models in this event must contain for recovery purposes parachutes of sufficient size to allow a safe landing under the provisions of Paragraph 2.4.1.
A models official flight will be disqualified if the payload separates during flight or landing and thereby becomes separated from the model.
ALTITUDE DATA rules 4.9 will be used for this competition.
This competition will be divided into classes based upon maximum allowable gross launching weight, number of standard FAI model rocket payloads carried, and maximum permissible total impulse of the engine or engines. The following classes of FAI model rocket payload competition are established.
CLASS TOTAL IMPULSE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF (Newton-seconds) WEIGHT PAYLOADS (g) CARRIED S2A Single 0,00 - 10,00 90 1 S2B Dual 10,01 - 40,00 180 2 S2C Open 40,01 - 80,00 500 4[top] PART SEVEN - PARACHUTE/STREAMER
The Parachute or Streamer Duration Competition is divided into classes according to the total impulse of the engine used. During the flight no part of the model other than parachute protectors or wadding may be detached or jettisoned.
7.2.1. Parachute Duration Models
The Parachute Duration Competition is open to models that are single-staged, powered by a single model rocket engine, containing one or more parachutes for recovery purposes. The parachute(s) must be provided with a minimum of three (3) shroud lines. A competitor may change the recovery parachute(s) in a model at any time during the competition.
7.2.2. Streamer Duration Models
The Streamer Duration Competition is open to models that are single-staged, powered by a single model rocket engine, containing one streamer for recovery purposes. The streamer must be a single homogenous unperforated rectangle of flexible material i.e. fabric, tissue or plastic foil with a length to width ratio of 10:1 minimum. At the narrow end of it a rigid support of 2 mm x 2 mm maximum cross-section together with a loop of thread attached at each end of the support may be used to attach the streamer to the models single shroud line. The streamer must completely unfurl during the flight. A competitor may change the streamer in a model at any time during the competition.
Timing and Classification Rules 4.8 will be used for this competition.
For Parachute and Streamer Duration Competitions the classes and their respective maximum flight tines are:
CLASS TOTAL IMPULSE MAXIMUM MAXIMUM FLIGHT TIME Newton-seconds) WEIGHT PARACHUTE STREAMER (g) (sec) (sec) S3A/S6A 0 - 2,5 100 300 180 S3B/S6B 2,51 - 5,0 100 420 240 S3C/S6C 5,01 - 10,0 200 540 300 S3D/S6D 10,01 - 20,0 500 660 360[top] PART EIGHT - BOOST/GLIDE
This competition comprises a series of events open to any model that ascends into the air without use of lifting surfaces which sustain the entry against gravity during that portion of flight when it is being subjected to or accelerated by thrust from its model rocket engine; and that returns its glider portion to the ground in stable gliding flight supported by aerodynamic lifting surfaces which sustain the portion against gravity. The intent of this competition is to provide a sporting competition for model rockets with gliding recovery. Model aircraft that ascent into the air in a spiralling climb under rocket power in such a manner that they are supported during their rise by wings shall not be eligible for entry in this competition. In this competition, a parachute recovery device on the booster portion of the model will not be considered to be a supporting aerodynamic surface, but parachutes may be used to effect recovery of other portions of the entry.
Any model that qualifies as a flex-wing (Rogallo) rule 13.1.1 is not eligible for this event.
8.2.1. The purpose of the competition is to determine which model achieves the longest time of flight utilising a vertical or near vertical free-ballistic flight pattern under power within a 60 degree cone centred vertically on the launcher and a stable aerodynamic glide recovery. Each model will be timed from the instant of first motion on the launcher until the instant the gliding top portion touches the ground.
Timing and Classification Rules 4.8 will be used for this competition.
The gliding portion of the model may be radio controlled to maintain its flight path in the vicinity of the launch site. Rule 4.7 applies.
For Boost/Glider Duration Competitions the classes and their respective maximum flight times are:
CLASS TOTAL MAXIMUM MAXIMUM IMPULSE WEIGHT FLIGHT (Newton-seconds) (g) TIME (sec.) S4A 0 - 2,50 60 180 S4B 2,51 - 5,00 90 240 S4C 5,01 - 10,00 120 300 S4D 10,01 - 20,00 240 360 S4E 20,01 - 40,00 300 360 S4F 40,01 - 80,00 500 360[top] PART NINE - SCALE COMPETITION (CLASS S7)
Scale competition is a single event and is limited to flying model rockets that are true scale models of existing or historical guided missiles, rocket vehicles, or space vehicles.
If the entry is a scale model of a multistaged vehicle, it may be designed so that one or more of the upper stages are inoperable dummies. However, the upper stage of a multi-staged vehicle may not be entered and flown without its operable lower stages unless specific data is furnished to the judges to prove that the upper stage configuration was designed to be or has flown separately, alone, and as a vehicle itself. For example, all Aerobee rockets must have operable boosters.
The competitor must have modelled one particular serial-numbered prototype, except in the case where the prototype is in such large mass production that there is no single individual vehicle that can be singled out for scale modelling purposes. However, the competitor shall make every reasonable attempt to model a specific prototype.
The competitor must supply scale data to substantiate his models adherence to scale in dimension, shape, colour, and point pattern. Minimum allowable data consists of length and diameter of the prototype and one photograph. Further data is certainly encouraged. Dimensional data must be from an accurate source such as magazines, books, manufacturers specifications or data sheets, etc. Photographs from any sources are acceptable. All data presented should apply to the particular prototype that is modelled and entered. Judges may deduct points for incorrect data.
9.5. KITS
Flying scale model rocket kits may be used as a source of design, materials, etc. and acceptable for entry only if accompanied by scale substantiation data other than that contained in the kit or available from the kit manufacturer. The competitor shall be responsible for ascertaining the correct scale qualities of the kit and must present satisfactory evidence that the kit model is correct to scale.
Scale models of rockets, missiles or space vehicles that are not fin-stabilised may be fitted with transparent plastic fins so as to make the model stable in flight while detracting the least from the scale qualities of the model.
Parts from plastic model kits may be used on scale model rockets provided that this use is pointed out in the data presented with the model at the time of judging for scale qualities.
Models will be judged for scale qualities in flight condition minus model rocket motors. All clear plastid fins, launching lugs, and fittings and other flight items must be attached to the model for scale judging. Nothing may be added to or taken off the model between the scale judging and the flight except model rocket motors and recovery device packing.
Maximum allowable gross launching weight in limited to 1000 grams.
Maximum allowable total impulse is 160,00 Newton-seconds. Maximum engine size allowed is 80 Newton-seconds.9.10. NUMBER OF FLIGHTS
Each entry must make a stable flight, and two (2) opportunities will be available to the competitor for this purpose, time and weather permitting.
Scale quality points will be awarded to each entry according to the following schedule:
9.11.1. By maximum 50 points will be judged a competitor who presents the following proper technical data:
- authentic, authorised drawing(s) of the prototype with at least ten dimensions and three cross sections, i.e. data which define colour of cross sections and markings on it;
- workshop drawing of scale model - scale 1:1;
- at least one colour photograph of the whole prototype with clearly visible details of colour and markings;
- at least three photographs of details and assemblies;
- a scale ruler that allows direct comparison of the scale model and the drawings of the prototype.
9.11.2. Adherence to scale: 300 points maximum. To be considered as a scale model the dimensions of the body diameter, overall length, overall fin span (if finless use body length) should not depart from scale by more than 10% or else the model is disqualified. The judging category should be judged in three areas: 1) body and nose cone - 125 points maximum; 2) fins - 75 points maximum; 3) colour and markings - 100 points maximum. This rule shall not be applied to dimensions less than 5 millimetres
For models with clear plastic fins see Annex 9, Cat. Scale Adherence, Sub-Cat. Fins
9.11.3. Workmanship: 300 points maximum. The be judged on neatness, care of construction, and degree of finish. Good workmanship that detracts from scale-such as a high gloss finish on a model that should have a flat or dull finish - will detract from maximum points.
9.11.4. Degree of difficulty: 200 points maximum. To be judged on the degree of difficulty involved in constructing the model. Factors to be considered include symmetry of model. number of external components, intricacy of paint pattern, degree of detailing, and degree of difficulty in adapting the model for flight conditions.
9.11.5. Flight, characteristics: 250 points maximum. To be judged on launch, stability of flight, staging (if any), and recovery. a competitor has to designate which operations his models are to perform in flight (e.g. separation of stages. radio controlled trajectory, ejection of payload, etc.).
If the model has been disqualified in both official flights the competitor will not be eligible for final classification.
9.11.6. In the case of World and Continental Space Modelling Championships dimension deviations from the Scale shall be measured by a separate qualified measuring team approved by the FAI Jury. The measured dimensions will be presented to the Scale Judges for verification and included with the Scale Judging Data.
9.12. Should the model experience a catastrophic failure, be incapable of additional flights (4.6.3.) and have scored no Flight Characteristic points, the competitors static scale points will be taken to decide final classification.
This series of events involves altitude competition with scale model rockets and is a combination of the altitude competition (Part 5) and the scale competition (Part 9). The objective of the competition is to achieve the highest altitude with a scale model rocket.
10.2. RULES
All entries must comply with the rules of Scale competition (Part Nine) and will be judged under the same rules and receive the same number of maximum scale quality points except that three flights will be allowed and no flight characteristics points will be given.
ALTITUDE DATA rules 4.9 will be used for this competition.
The total number of scale quality points awarded to an entry will be added to the highest official altitude achieved by the entry. If track is lost, no altitude is added.
The entry having the largest number of total points resulting from adding the static scale quality points to the altitude in metres achieved from the same flight, will be declared the winner. In the event of a tie, the points gained for scale quality will be decisive.
The judges must disqualify from scale altitude competition any entry which, in their opinion, does not show sufficient scale qualities or evidence of normal level of workmanship required for a scale model under the provisions of the scale competition (Part 9). The intent of this rule is to eliminate from scale altitude competition any entry which has scale qualities grossly subordinated in favour of altitude performance qualities.
Scale Altitude Competition may be flown in the following classes:
(Newton-seconds) (g)
S5A 0 - 2,50 90
S5B 2,51 - 5,00 120
S5C 5,01 - 10,00 150
S5D 10,01 - 20,00 180
S5E 20,01 - 40,00 240
S5F 40,01 - 80,00 500
Rocket Glider Duration Competition comprises a series of events open to any single-staged model rocket which returns to the ground in stable, gliding flight supported by aerodynamic lifting surfaces which sustain it against gravity. The model must utilise a vertical or near-vertical ballistic take-off and a stable aerodynamic glide recovery without any separation or discarding of engine casting(s).
The purpose of this competition is to achieve the longest flight duration times. Model shall be timed from the instant of first motion on the launcher until the instant it touches the ground.
11.3.1. Any entry which, under any circumstances or in any manner, separates into two or more unattached pieces, or discards its engine casing(s) shall be disqualified.
11.3.2. Any entry that is supported by aerodynamic lifting forces in such a manner that it ascends in a climb not substantially vertical, within a 60 degree cone centred vertically on the launcher while under rocket power shall be disqualified from this competition.
11.3.3. Any entry that descends with parachute and/or streamer recovery device(s) attached shall be disqualified.
11.3.4. During the powered phase of flight, spinning or looping of the entry is permitted only around the roll axis or a parallel axis. Entries which spin or loop around the pitch or yaw axis shall be disqualified.
11.3.5. Any model that qualifies for flex-wing rules 13.1.1 or 13.2 is not eligible for this event.
Timing and Classification Rules 4.8 will be used for this competition.
For the flyoff in classes S8E and S8F the jury shall determine the maximum time of flight (but not exceeding 30 minutes) for a round according to the meteorological conditions and the character of the flying site. The maximum must be announced before the start of the round.
a) The models in sub-classes S8D, S8E and S8F must be radio controlled. Rule 4.7 applies.
b) The pilot shall be disqualified from the flight if he moves away from the area marked by the organiser.
CLASS TOTAL MAXIMUM MAXIMUM IMPULSE WEIGHT FLIGHT (Newton-seconds) (g) TIME (sec.) Free Flight S8A 0 - 2,50 60 180 S8B 2,51 - 5,00 90 240 S8C 5,01 - 10,00 120 300 Radio Controlled S8D 10,01 - 20,00 300 360 S8E 20,01 - 40,00 300 360 S8F 40,01 - 80,00 500 360[top] PART TWELVE - GYROCOPTER
Gyrocopter Duration Competition comprises a series of events open to any single-staged model rocket which uses the principle of auto-rotation as the sole means of recovery.
The purpose of this competition is to achieve the longest flight duration using an auto-rotating recovery system.
12.3.1. Each entry must be decelerated during descent by its auto-rotating recovery device. The resulting autorotation must be around the roll axis of the model, and must be the result of proper deployment and operation of the recovery system.
12.3.2. Flexible materials can only be used for covering rigid support members. The recovery system shall not be constructed solely, or in part, of flexible materials and rigging (e.g., a parachute with rigid stringers or folding rotors of flexible materials between rigid stringers). entries using a recovery system which is designed to act (or which actually acts) in a manner simular to a parachute, a rigid inverted bowl, or similar techniques are specifically excluded from this competition.
12.3.3. The entry may not separate into two or more unattached parts, and shall be disqualified if it does so.
12.3.4. The 50% requirement of Rule 2.4.3. applies.
Timing and classification rules 4.8 will be used for this competition.
CLASS TOTAL MAXIMUM MAXIMUM IMPULSE WEIGHT FLIGHT (Newton-seconds) (g) TIME (sec.) S9A 0 - 2,50 60 180 S9B 2,51 - 5,00 90 240 S9C 5,01 - 10,00 150 300 S9D 10,01 - 20,00 200 360[top] PART THIRTEEN - FLEX WING
13.1.1. Flex-wing (Rogallo) duration competition comprises a series of events open to any single-staged model rocket which returns to the ground in stable, gliding flight supported by flexible aerodynamic lifting surfaces which sustain it against gravity.
13.1.2. The model must utilise a vertical ballistic take-off and achieve a stable aerodynamic glide recovery without any separation of parts or discarding of engine castings(s).
The aerodynamic lifting surfaces must be constructed from flexible materials such as fabric. tissue, or plastic foil. Ribs, spars, stringers, and the remainder of the model may be of any material in accordance with requirements of Rule 2.4. The 50% requirement of Rule 2.4.3 applies.
13.3.1. Any entry which, under any circumstances or in any manner separates into two or more unattached pieces, or discards its engine casing(s) shall be disqualified.
13.3.2. Any entry that is supported by other than flexible aerodynamic lifting surfaces or ascends in a climb not near vertical while under rocket power shall be disqualified from the competition.
13.3.3. Any entry that descends with parachute or streamer recovery device(s) attached shall be disqualified.
Timing and Classification Rules 4.8 will be used for this competition.
The model may be radio controlled to maintain its flight path in the vicinity of the launch site. Rule 4.7 applies.
CLASS TOTAL MAXIMUM MAXIMUM IMPULSE WEIGHT FLIGHT (Newton-seconds) (g) TIME (sec.) S10A 0 - 2,50 60 180 S10B 2,51 - 5,00 90 240 S10C 5,01 - 10,00 120 300 S10D 10,01 - 20,00 240 360
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